Move a performance with ticket sales to a different screen/auditoria.
Prepare the performance for moving
In Back Office, open the Dayplanner via Box Office and select Dayplanner on the right.
Navigate to the date of the performance, and double-click the performance to edit it.
Before you can move the performance, it must meet the following criteria:
1. The performance status must be "Closed for Sale".
2. The Performance must not have any active Seat Overrides.
3. The Performance must not be set to Allocated seating.
4. There must be no active reservations for the performance. If there are reservations, these will need to be removed, and then readded after the move.
5. Both the source and destination screen/auditoria must have only one section.
First, open the Performance in the Day Planner and set it to be 'Closed for Sale' and check it is Unallocated:
If you have any Seat Overrides in place, these need to be removed. To do this, click "Edit Capacity/House Seats/Per Txn" against the Performance in the Day Planner. On the Edit capacity window, click "Remove All Overrides".
Once you have clicked on the Remove All Overrides button, you must click OK to exit the performance editor, and then save the changes. This can be done by clicking the Refresh button in the top right of the Dayplanner. The performance will turn red to indicate it is closed for sale.
Move the Performance
Navigate in the Dayplanner to the date that you wish to move the performance by clicking Select Date from the toolbar, and selecting the desired date.
Right-click in the screen you wish to move the performance to, at the time you wish to move the performance to, and select "Move Performance from a different day to..."
You will then be prompted to select the date the performance is currently scheduled. Select the date, and then click on the performance you wish to move.
The performance should now appear in the correct slot.