• Guides
  • How to Add a Film/Show/Event to Oscar

Create a film/show/event for the purpose of scheduling performances. Additional content such as trailers, images and synopsis are entered here, as well as extra data for use online.

In Back Office, go to Box Office -> Films

NOTE: Depending on your Oscar configuration, the term "Film" may be different, such as "Shows", or "Events".

Details tab

  • Film Title - The title that the film will be referred to. This is the "long" title for reporting and displaying online.
  • Film Title (ticket) - This can be a shortened title if the Film Title is too long to display on the ticket.  There is a preview of the ticket layout below to allow you to see how it will be displayed.
  • Rating - For films, this should be the BBFC rating. If the film has no rating, then select the "N/A" rating. Ratings can be added via Box Office -> Ratings.
  • Trailer Running Time - If trailers are relevant, then the running time can be added here.
  • Main Feature Running Time - The length, in minutes, of the main programme.
  • Valid From - This date determines when the film will be available from to schedule.  It defaults to the date you add the film, but can be changed if required.
  • Distributor/Producer - For films, the name of the distributor. For shows/events, the name of the production company. Distributors/Producers can be added via Box Office -> Distributors/Producers.
  • Print Layout - The layout of the ticket that will be printed. More Print Layouts can be added via System -> Print Layouts. All tickets for performances with the film/show/event added will use the selected print layout.
  • Ticket Stock - The Ticket stock that will be used for tickets for this event. This is usually the default.
  • Programme Type - The type of programme this film/show/event will be assigned. This is for your marketing/categorisation and also may affect how the film/show/event is displayed online. More can be added via Programme Types.

Synopsis/Image tab

  • Sysnopsis - This is HTML, and images and links can be added.
  • Image - You can upload images here.  It is advisable that images are uploaded, and not just linked to via a URL, as this ensures the image will be served securely. If a URL is entered it may result in the image not displaying correctly.

  • NOTE: When uploading an image, you must give the image a unique name. If an image already exists then an error message will appear explaining this.  You can simply give the image a unique name, perhaps with the year to allow you to easily refer to it later.

  • Ticket Sale Further Details Tab
    This is for use when you may wish to collect extra information against a ticket sale.  Anything set here will apply to all ticket sales for performances for this film/show/event.  It is usually not something that would be set, so in most cases can be left blank.
  • In the example below, a ticket sale will prompt the customer to enter text that will appear on a plaque when a ticket is sold. There is also an option to prompt the customer for Gift Aid, if the ticket is intended as a donation.
  • Further Details
  • NOTE: Depending on the Oscar configuration, there may be further tabs with information that is venue-specific.  These are usually for use on the website, or for triggering discount schemes or reporting, and these will vary greatly from venue-to-venue.