Schedule a performance, but only allow sales for members up to a certain date/time.
In Back Office, select Box Office from the left menu, then click on the Dayplanner icon.
Navigate to the date you wish to schedule the performance, and either right-click at the time you wish to schedule the performance, or use the "Add Performance" button from the toolbar.
On the Details tab, set the film/show/event, price group, and any other settings. For more details, see the Performance article.
On the Membership Restrictions tab, you can set the following:
You can select which membership schemes are applicable by checking the box against the membership types in the list.
NOTE: By default, the member must hold a valid membership on the date of the performance. If you wish to allow members to buy for the performance who's membership may have expired by the date, then check the box marked "Membership types that are valid on the purchase date are acceptable in addition to those valid on the performance date".