• Guides
  • How To Copy Performances Across Multiple Days in the Day Planner
Step by step guide on how to copy performances from one day to another in the Day Planner.

1. Open the Day Planner.

2. Shedule the first set of performances on the given day.

3. Click on the 'Copy Day' button in the top ribbon:

4. You will be asked if you wish to save the changes you have made (i.e. the new performances you have added) so click 'Yes':

5. There are three things to select in the 'Copy Day' window

- The Screen whose performances you wish to copy

- The Date on which the performances are scheduled

- The Target Date(s) which you wish to create copies of the performances on

6. Once you have made the approriate selections, click OK. Oscar will then copy the performances from the original date and replicate them on those dates which you have selected.

NB: If the original performance had any Performance Extra Information HTML or was 'Open From...' a particular date, you will have additional options available to allow you to copy these settings (in the above screenshot the original performances had neither of these set so the options on the right hand side of the Copy Day windows are thus greyed out).

7. The Day Planner will then update with the new performances scheduled in the Days you selected:

NB: If a conflict occurs (i.e. you've asked Oscar to copy a performance which would overlap a pre-existing perofrmance which is already in the Day Planner), Oscar will not copy that particular performance and will notify you that there was a conflict.