• Guides
  • How To Remove an Old Auditorium/Screen Plan

Step by step guide on how to retire an old seating plan.

1. Open up Back Office.

2. Under the Box Office tab, click on screen/auditoria

3. Double click on the screen/auditoriun you wish to expire

4. Click on the Date in the Valid From/Valid To box and then click on Edit:

5. Set the 'Valid To' date to be the date when the screen/auditorium will no longer be used (if the screen/auditorium is already no longer in use set this to be a date in the past):

6. Click OK on the Valid From/To window.

7. Check the Valid To date for the screen/auditorium has updated:

8. Click OK to save the new Valid To date against the screen/auditorium.

9. Open the Day Planner, navigate to a day after that which you expired the screen/auditorium on and you'll find that screen/auditorium is no longer listed in the Day Planner window: