A step by step guide detailing to process for locating a gift voucher number.
In the event that a customer reports they have either lost or are unable to recall what their Gift Voucher code is, you may locate the Gift Voucher code by doing the following:
1. Log into Back Office
2. Click on the Other tab
3. Double click on the 'Voucher Sales Detail' report
4. Select either the Transaction Period or Date Range during which you believe the Gift Voucher may have been sold. Select both the 'Redeemed' and 'Unredeemed' options and then choose which Voucher Type(s) you are interested in:
5. Click OK
6. You should now be presented with a detailed report of all the Gift Vouchers which have been issued during the selected period:
Here you can see:
- the Voucher Code listed in the 'Voucher Code' column,
- the original Transaction Number in the 'Sale Txn ID' column
- if the Voucher has already been redeemed, you can see which transaction it was used in by looking in the 'Redeem Txn ID' colum.
All the Transaction Numbers in the report are hyperlinks and so can be clicked on to take you to the transaction in question.
7. If you wish to resend the transaction email (which will contain the voucher code) you can simply click on the transaction and select 'Confirmation Email' to resend it: