How to Perform a Stock Take and Check Errors
In order to perform a Stock Take in Oscar, follow the below steps:
1. Open Back Office
2. Select the Retail tab and then click on 'Stock Take...'
3. Select the Date or Date Range you are performing the Stock Take on/over and click OK:
4. Click on 'New Sheet':
5. Enter in a Comment for the Stock Take Sheet and then click on 'Add Stock Items'.
6. The 'Select Stock Items' window will appear, add in the items you wish to count and click 'OK':
7. The Stock Take Sheet will now be populated with the items you have selected. You can print a sheet to be filled in if you need it or, if you already have the details on the count, you can update the 'Number of' and 'Quantity Loose' columns according to the results of your count:
You can see the total count displayed in the 'Total Stock' column.
8. If you are not completing the Stock Take in one go, click OK to save the Stock Take Sheet and you can reopen it later. If you have entered all the details and are ready to complete the Stock Take, click on 'Show Errors':
9. You will then be asked if you want to record the Stock Take now or at an earlier time (e.g. if the Stock Take was completed yesterday and someone has since recorded a Delivery - click the tip link to learn more). Most often you will just need to select 'Now':
10. You will then be presented with the Stock Take Errors window which will sumarise any errors which have been generated from the Stock Count. So, in the example below, there are two Items with a recorded Stock Take Count which is less than what Oscar was expecting based on the total generated by removing Sales from the Previous Stock Take Count - these are highlighted in red:
11. Click 'Post' to post the results to Oscar. Oscar will then update the Expected Stock Count in line with the data inputted from the Stock Take Sheet which has just been posted.
12. The Stock Take has now been completed.
If you wish to view the Errors which were highlighted in this Stock Take subsiquently, you can use the 'Stock Errors Report' to do so. The report can be found under the Retail section of Back Office here: