When redeeming Gift Vouchers against tickets or products in Oscar POS it is important to process them correctly to avoid them being mistakenly flagged as a cash payment. Gift Vouchers should not be processed as cash as this causes errors in the End of Day procedure and cash totals for your till.
1. Add the tickets or products that the customer requires to the basket as normal and then click ‘Other Payment’.
2. Assign/Confirm seat positions as normal if tickets for allocated performances are included in the basket.
3. In the list of payment options choose ‘Voucher or Credit Note…’
4. Type in the Voucher Serial number from the customer’s Gift Voucher or Credit Note slip and click ‘Search’ or press enter on your keyboard. The voucher serial number will take the form of V-123-ABC-XYZ
5. Once you’ve clicked search if Oscar finds that the serial number is valid it will show you the Voucher Type, Amount and sales details from when that Voucher was sold. If the voucher is valid, click OK and this will redeem the voucher against that transaction.
a. If the voucher has expired then the Valid From and Valid To boxes will be filled RED. This voucher is no longer valid and cannot be redeemed.
b. If the voucher has already been redeemed then you will see a notification in the details and the OK button will be greyed out - This voucher is no longer valid and cannot be redeemed. You will also see a link to view the transaciton during which the given voucher was redeemed.
6. If the voucher only covers part of the cost of the items in the transaction, the remainder should then be paid by the customer. The ‘Payment Due’ at the bottom of the Transaction Preview window on the left confirms the remaining balance to pay after the voucher has been redeemed.
7. Once the Payment is completely settled Oscar will complete the transaction and revert to the default POS screen.
8. If the Voucher’s value exceeds the cost of the items in the transaction you should refer to your policy on how to proceed. Most venues do one of two things:
a. Most Likely – Issue a Credit Note to the value of the remainder of the value of the voucher left over after the transaction has been paid for. To issue a Credit Note you should click the ‘Voucher or Credit Note’ button.