• Guides
  • How to Change the Start Date When Selling a Membership

When selling a membership, Oscar Point of Sale defaults to starting that membership on the day of purchase and setting the valid range of that Membership according to the configuration in Oscar BO.

It is sometimes necessary to delay the start of the validity period, for instance when the Membership is being purchased on behalf of someone else or when switching between one membership type and another. This is possible during the sales process and can be set to any date. The Membership will then run from that date for the valid range configured in Oscar BO.

1.    Navigate to the “Member” tab of Oscar POS, choose the Patron to assign the Membership to and the Membership Type.
2.    Click the ‘Start Date’ button and choose the date you would like to have the membership start from:
3.    Complete the sale as normal by adding the Membership Sale to the Transaction and taking any payment required.